Wasmannia Day 2/Soleil Go o-way

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The second day of wasmannia went well. We went to the far end of the study zone away from Gamba, towards the national road. We stopped at the end of the study area which is a ferry for trucks.  You can understand the need for a road after a few days, we see about 8 cars a day, and its the only way to Gamba except for boat or air.  The ferry fits one car and you have to pull it yourself! Thankfully there is a pulley to ease the work.

It was also the hottest day so far, the sun never hid in the clouds.  And we had another amazing meal… freaking lamb!!! A first for me in a field camp.

We took a walk to the ocean, 2 km trip took about 3 hours, and the return was in the dark.  We tromped through quite  a few marshes, which sounds bad unless you look down and see all the different types of orchids.  The beach looked like it did in Loango, big crashing waves and trash on the beach.  So much plastic.  There was also an illegal trawler fishing, close enough that we could see it, which is in the buffer, at least from what Tobi told me.









So far so good.  I like how I am shooting video with the photos.  I use it for scenes that will play out for me, it might work well with how I see.  Especially with scientists who do the same methodological actions over and over again as they collect data.